How to Winterize Your Commercial Property

The exteriors of a building are the most hardened structure. While the exterior walls may need to withstand the occasional rain, sleet, or hail, the roof needs to hold up against the full brunt of extreme weather conditions as well as direct sunlight (and the damaging radiations). With proper and periodic maintenance, a commercial roof and vinyl sidings can easily last from 25 to 40 years depending on the roof type and materials used. Another way to prolong the longevity of your commercial property is to take preventive measures before the onset of summer or winter. This can range from getting the roof professionally inspected, clearing the gutters in the fall or spring season or sealing any cracks formed. 

Preparing your roof for winter is much more work than preparing for summer and this article aims to list all the steps to take to winterize your commercial property.


Benefits of Winterizing the Commercial Property

Water has a tact for finding its way inside your property at the first sign of damage or deterioration. This worsens when it is in the form of frost or ice during winters. By winterizing your property before the onset of the season, you prolong its lifespan and save money on expensive repairs due to water entering inside. The following are some of the benefits of winterizing your commercial property:

Free from Rodents or Pest 

Pests such as insects, critters, or rodents can enter your property from a small crack on the roof or siding. Once inside they can wreak havoc on the equipment, furniture, or any other belongings you have stored inside. By winterizing the property, you plug any exposed holes and replace any broken shingles thereby stopping the pests in their way.

Leak Protection

The snow or ice formed on the roof melts into water and can easily enter through the cracks in the roof or sidings. The water can decay wooden parts while rusting metals. Even if the water doesn’t enter directly, it can increase the moisture level and cause irreparable damages to the structure internally by increasing the humidity.

Reduce Heating Bill

A broken roof or a gap in the sidings can cause the cold draft of wind to enter inside. This can lower the overall temperature inside and make your thermostats or electric fireplaces work extra hard to regulate the temperature. This translates into your heating bills inflating quickly and burning a hole in your pockets. By double-checking the insulation, you can save heavily on heating costs before winter.

Savings from avoiding expensive repairs

Booking a contractor for replacing your roof or siding of your property can easily set you back by $400 in hourly rates. Factor in the time required as well as the cost of roofing materials and you can run into huge sums of money in repairs. Moreover, while the repairs are going on, the area needs to be cordoned off which can halt production or impact the revenue. 

How to Winterize your Commercial Property

Keep the temperature above 55F

Whether your property remains open or vacant during the winter, keep the heater on, even if at the lowest setting. This prevents the water inside pipes from freezing and bursting out. The heating cost will tip the balance over compared to the expensive bill of replacing the pipes. You can additionally invest in emergency release mechanisms for the pipes to avoid pressure build-up.

Conduct Weather Stripping or Caulking

Windows and door frames are common places where air leaks can happen. Replace the caulking near the door and window frames and check for gaps between the door and the frame. Install weather stripping or seals around the seams of the ceiling to make them air proof.

Turn off the main water valve when unused & inspect pipes

Turn off the main water valve when not in use. Additionally inspect all the pipes to check for cracks, leaks as well as insulation around them. If your property has any sprinklers installed, it is wise to drain them and get them inspected periodically.

Clean the gutters

During the fall season, leaves and other debris will be collected in the gutter and clog them. So, it is important to keep the gutters cleared to ensure smooth operation when the snow melts. Additionally, flush out excessive snow from the gutter to avoid them from buckling from the increased weight. 

Book a landscaping session

Remove any low lying branches or dried branches that can crack from the weight of snow or icicle formation. These can fall on the roof and damage it. Similarly, ice formation on the yard can transform it into a tripping hazard. Sprinkle some salt in the driveway and parking area for better tire traction for the vehicle. 

Book a roof inspection

Roofs, being higher than eye level, are often overlooked when it comes to analyzing damages. Even for properties with flat roofs, it is advised to conduct roof inspection by a certified roofing contractor only. From loose shingles to rotting underlay, a roofer can identify potential hazards and suggest the correct plan of action to counter them. 

Wrapping Up

The tips mentioned above may not be an exhaustive list of things to keep in mind while winterizing your commercial property but it will guide you in the right direction. For a complete and thorough winterization, it is advised to book an expert such as CHI Roofing who has years of experience in the field of roof repairs, window installations, siding replacements contractors


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