How to Spot and Fix Roof Punctures?

Roofs are made of the most rugged material to bear the brunt of extreme weather conditions. Just like a defensive formation, the roof designs and materials used will allow rainwater, snow, and small debris to slide off and also prevent the high-speed winds from uprooting the roof. This is only possible until a weakness develops from within in the form of decay or trauma from impact. This leads to roof punctures that expose the interiors of a house to leaks and damages. 

Identifying the source and repairing the roof punctures is a time crucial process as they can grow into an expensive roof replacement project if left unattended.

Identifying the Cause of roof punctures

A roof is a complex structure made of stacked layers of shingles, asphalt sheets, felt membranes, and wooden supports. When the roof is missing some shingles and the underlying layer experiences an impact localized to a small portion, the felt gets pierced and causes roof punctures. In most cases, roof punctures can happen on a roof with an intact shingle layer. To an untrained eye, roof punctures are difficult to identify and their presence is only experienced when you see your roof leaking, feel a draft of air coming from the roof, or there is a spike in energy bills.

Professional roofing contractors conduct roof inspections where they take all the safety precautions and physically check the roof for deformities or damages. As we mentioned earlier, roof punctures occur as a result of physical trauma and there are multiple ways your roof can develop punctures.


During heavy rains or hailstorms, the roof has to bear the brunt of water or ice hitting at very high speeds. The impact can chip out the top layer and expose the underlying asphalt strips. The consequent impacts will eventually puncture the strips and allow water and wind to enter. Weather-related puncturing is widely observed in older roofs as they are more worn out from sequential exposure to direct sunlight and cold temperatures.

Unnecessary Traffic

Shingled roofs can easily break under the weight of someone walking over them. Similarly, footwear can easily scratch the surface and remove the top layer. Hence, roofing professionals tend to wear special equipment when accessing the roof. The more people venture up to your roof over time, the quicker wear and tear. 

Unplanned Roof Installations

When installing or repairing HVAC or satellite dishes without planning beforehand or by servicemen without any professional experience, a few shingles might get damaged. Similarly, DIY projects or remodeling projects are done without prior preparation would result in punctures.


Birds and critters such as squirrels & chipmunks have sharp claws that can cause micro-scratches on the top layer of your roof which grow into roof punctures in the long run. Commonly observed in areas where the roof is easily accessed by a low lying tree branch, there is nothing you can do except preventing animals from landing on your roof. 

How to tackle a Roof Puncture

As mentioned earlier, a roof puncture needs to be addressed as quickly as possible. Depending on the severity of the damage, the steps ahead can be broken into three stages:

  • Minor Damage – Repairs

  • Major Damage – Repair or Replacement

  • Unknown Damage – Book Roof Inspection

Minor Damage – Repairs

If you are faced with roof punctures that are only present in a small section of your roof, a roofing contractor can remove the affected shingles and replace the underlying asphalt film to plug the leak. This way the issue is resolved with minimal repairs and is an economical repair option.

Major Damage – Repairs or Replacement

For a widespread presence of punctures, removing the shingles and repairing the underlying strip would be a patchwork repair. Which may open up new issues. When faced with such a decision, you may contemplate roof replacement which is a time-consuming and costly affair. Whether you need to go for repairs or replacement you need to weigh the pros and cons of both.

Unknown Damage – Book Roof Inspection

Unsure of the damage to your roof? Ideally, it is advised to get your roof inspected by a professional at least once every year. This way, you catch hold of any developing issues beforehand and work towards getting it repaired. This turns out to be the most cost-effective and time-conserving move of all three.

How roof punctures can be avoided

Reduce Human Movement

Roof access restriction is the best way to avoid roof punctures. If roof access cannot be restricted, investing in specialized walkways or reinforced walk pads that distribute the weight while walking across. 

Stop Critters 

Periodically trim away any overhanging branches or foliage to cut down the path for critters to your roofs. Don’t allow any foliages or fruits from collecting on your roof as them rotting cause insects to infest and that is an invitation for birds. 

Choose the right professional

Avoid any DIY roofing projects. And only choose a professional roofer as they are equipped to take extra care working on your roofs. 

Regularly conduct a maintenance inspection

A well-maintained roof is less prone to damages compared to a neglected one. Have a maintenance schedule in place.

Wrapping Up

Roof maintenance is an expensive yet important step towards a well-maintained structure (residential or commercial). Certain issues can be fixed in a snap but will gradually grow into a major repair or a hazard if left unattended. It is advised to have your roof inspected periodically to avoid waiting for the first sign of any roof punctures.


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